Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Donald Sterling Loses Bid to Block $2 Billion Sale of Clippers

Donald Sterling Loses Bid to Block $2 Billion Sale of Clippers Steve Ballmer is another step closer to owning the Los Angeles Clippers.
According to Huffington Post, Superior Court Judge Michael Levanas ruled that the sale would go forward, despite Donald's efforts to stop the bid of former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer to own the team.
Ballmer bid $2 billion for the team in May.
The judge ruled that Shelly Sterling's suggestion to remove her estranged husband as a co-owner was a good idea. After Donald's racial rant was leaked in April, Shelly says that Donald's health was dwindling as he showed early signs of Alzheimer's disease.
Shortly after the leak, the NBA banned Donald for life, and fined him $2.5 million.
Donald's lawyers say that he took the news in stride, but has plans to go to court to file an appeal.
Source: Huffington Post  | Photo Credit: Wikipedia 

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