Tuesday, July 29, 2014

NFL Player Cam Thomas Says He Didn't Give Ex-Girlfriend Herpes

NFL Player Cam Thomas Says He Didn't Give Ex-Girlfriend HerpesCam Thomas of the Pittsburgh Steelers has taken a stand against allegations that claim he gave an ex-girlfriend an STD.
According to TMZ, his ex-girlfriend took legal action against him after she was diagnosed with herpes. His lawyer, Adam Kenner, claims that the woman is lying about the whole ordeal because she's still 'bitter' about their breakup.
Kenner included that the woman wants a huge payout from the ordeal.
"She's angry," he said. "Vindictive and mean because he has another woman, and a baby in his life."
Thomas has also agreed to take a blood test to speed up the process.
Source: TMZ | Photo Credit: Wikipedia 

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