Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Nelly Calls Out Floyd Mayweather for Being a High School Dropout

Nelly and Floyd Mayweather's issues with one another continued to boil after the rapper's latest interview on "Highly Questionable."
The rapper mentions that he doesn't have an actual beef with Floyd, but a misunderstanding with him.
"I don't have a beef with Floyd Mayweather," he said. "I think the whole thing is misunderstood. I try to understand where he's coming from which is hard to do. I think he's one of those people that doesn't like the word "no" said to him. I think if anybody does that, it kind of gets underneath his skin a little bit."
Nelly, who has praised Floyd in the past, went on to talk about Floyd's education.
"It's kind of hard talking to a guy who hasn't graduated from high school." he said.
Check out the rest of the interview above.
Source: YouTube 

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